Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Celebration Day

Woohooo. No more school !!!
What an awesome day. Oh, but before we get to that .. I couldn't sleep so well the last night. I had some strange as dream about Susan trying to pick up some 'hot guy' then it some how turned into Minh dating Michelle, and just before they were about to kiss I got woken up. LOL.

After school; Annie, Thu, Susan, Cindy, Vivian, Michelle came to my house for a bit. We took about an hour because Susan and Cindy decided to put make up on Michelle. In the end, we all made it to Brighton beach. We stayed there for about 5 hours or so? We then went to Box Hill to eat Korean BBQ at Seoulia. After that we got split into 2 groups because some feggets didn't want to wait for 2 minutes. The group I was with went back to city first and the other group some how missed 2 trains. wtfeck. So, we just met up with them at Charlton and there was free karaoke. * cough * Susan.. $18.50 an hour .. for Kbox. Let's just go Charlton !

Got home around 12:30. Took a shower and discovered multiple large scratches on my right leg and foot only. Probably from the shells there. What a noob beach, should have just went to Chelsea. But it was an awesome day anyway.


  1. Oh...I see. I was wondering where the hell half the people dissappeared to. SO YOU LEFT WITHOUT US. I SEE.

    We were playing games at the arcade. And proceeded to miss two trains. Yep.

  2. omg!! you finally dreamt about me!!!! omg!! i feel so privileged.. / proud etc.. I LOVE YOU TOO =P minh troung and michelle?? o_O ok then

    i like kbox more.. more "privacy" and asian songs. hahahah and pictures on the screens.
