Friday, May 28, 2010

Real story !

about the '10 nigger rapist' .. my dad 'misheard' LOL

Read the ACTUAL story in the newspaper.
Some stupid 39 year old lady go into a car with a black man because he said that he could help her find her friend. LOL then he sexually assaulted her. She escaped. THE END.

Damnnn end of semester already.. hah awesomeness.
Exams coming up!

Monday, May 24, 2010


Friday.. went to Crown with Cindy after uni. Met at MC. Tramed to Crown. Ate. Stayed in Crown from 3 - 10!  Played $10 blackjack.. I was down $150 at the start.. then went back up all on one table. The guy next to me looked a hell of a lot like Macaulay Culkin (from home alone) but.. a better looking version. There was also this old lady that had been there since the day before.. Cindy started losing on that table so we changed to $5 table. I ended up breaking even. Cindy ended up winning $175 ! After Crown went MC and ate 'dinner' at Korean BBQ. $80 ! Got home around 12:30ish.. think my dad was pissed. I told him to come pick me up and he's like.. you know last week some girl got raped by 10 niggers in Sunshine... etc etc.. OHH WELLLLL

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Sitting at state library by myself... attempting to study for bio tomorrow. If i fail I'M FUCKED. Why are there so many white guys around? so distracting haha


Monday, May 17, 2010


hmm.. haven't stepped outta the house since.. Friday. feel so antisocial.. ahaha so i went on this cam chatting site and i think i got asked if i were a boy/girl 94583495384 times. IS IT REALLY THAT HARD TO TELL?! lol
had a chat with some black american guy that was studying.. jap. ahaha weird.

- MUST PASS Bio test Thursday
- 2 Assignments due next week
- EXAMS : Maths - 9/6
               Chem - 16/6

Friday, May 14, 2010


As I was sitting at MC yesterday..and I realised how white-defied the city is.. there's like 1 white guy to 10 asians...!! But yeah went HP today.. and there are heaps of white people. But they all have a gf/family. *saw katherine at hp*

Saturday, May 8, 2010

White guys > Asians ANY DAY!

Uni for one hour. Handed in assignment.

Met up with Susan and co. to go 'hip hop dancing' EPIC FAILED
Went Ten Ren afterwards
Was gonna met up with someone. SOME PEOPLE decided to stalk me. When did I lose you guys?
Sooo instead of meeting up with him, I met up with my cousin and aunty and went drinking and met a bunch of random people. FARRR white guyss 8)
Got home at 2 O_____O
It's 4 now.. and I can't sleep! Gotta get up at 8:30.. w00t

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

황찬빈 =O

- Had an early mother's day party at my grandmas.. 
- Went to 'shop' at Southern cross with my cousin and aunty. Bought a Sonic tee
- Went into Crown.. spent $1 again. lol but i know what to do now!
- Ate in the food court. Bought chicken parma off some decent looking white guy. His accent... was LOOL. When he said 'potatoes' i thought he said 'buttered rolls'
- Then we decided we wanted to go to gym! Went to Anytime Fitness. Got in, but no staff. So we went to check if World Gym was open, but it was closed. Went back to Anytime Fitness...but the door was locked ! but some indian guy with a key let us in HOORAY! We then signed up for Free 7 day pass.

- Had no class.. YAY
- Went to gym

- Uni from 10 - 3:30
- Stuck in traffic for an hour
- Saw Minh at the station

- Uni from 8:30 - 10:30
- Got home..
- Went gym with my mum because my cousin and aunty decided to ditch me
- Assignment due tomorrow. Hooray for group posters. I think I did the easiest part... lol

got another one worth 25% in 2 weeks. IF i fail this one I AM SO FUCKED

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Life sucks

Uni is such a DRAINER...

- Uni from 11 - 1
- Got to the city by 2; went to eat Grill'd with friends. The burger kept me full 'til the next morning.
- Watched Iron Man 2 at 2:50.. finished at 5-ish.
- Asked Susan on a date ;) and she accepted =O
- Went casino.. spent $1.. lol
- Galactic circus... I was thinking 'bout what happened there; made some guy look bad infront of his girlfriend. I feel bad now.. ahahah
- Bought asian drinks.. went home.