Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Went to DFO South Wharf today with my parents, not much there. After that we went to Sante in Crown. I got bored so i started spreading butter on and under the plates. My mum got bored and started trying to spitting watermelon seeds into the water jug, she missed and hit me a few times and she hit one of the waters walking past once but they didn't realise. ahaha

and apparently my cousin's grandma had a dream on the day we get our ENTER that I got 78

Anyone feel like yumcha this thursday/friday? TO CELEBRATEEE !!


  1. you mean waiters right? i was thinking...water doesn't usually walk past in a restaurant...

    yay! yumcha sounds awesome, if I'm invited, that is.

  2. oh yea waiters ahah

    of course you're invited
