Friday, April 16, 2010


I am proud of myself. I researched and completed a 2000+ words essay in one day! Never written such a long essay.. farrrrrk

Anywayy, I was gonna pierce my ears again today but really hard to see where I'm shooting. Would someone like to come over and do it for me?!


  1. ear piercing party at angela's house! woo!

  2. wow congrats for finishing your essay in one day!
    i dont think i could have done that,,

  3. omg.. 2000+ in one day is like impossible.. IMPOSSIBLE.. for me that is.. good job! =P
    i'll pierce it.. but i cn't guarentee anything... especially your safety.!

  4. i like blood. let us collect angelas in a vial and spawn some big-breasted short children!
