Friday, November 12, 2010


Finished first year of uni...I must say it went by pretty fast. Going overseas in a month. 11 December until the 11 January. So, I'd be overseas for Christmas and New Years... which is pretty cool i guess. 

Went for a Big W group assessment on Tuesday. FAILED. So I give up looking for a job until I get back from overseas. Hopefully I'd be about to get my Ps when I get back too, then look for a car... 

Oh.. and I've probably failed 2 of my exams..

Monday, November 1, 2010

First of November.

So, today.. I had an exam at 1:45pm. I missed the train, so my mum drive me to uni. Well, the exam.. let's just say I epically failed and will have to repeat the subject next year. It was 2 hours long. I stayed for 50 minutes. I'm sure I answered 2/50 multiple choice questions correctly and 1/5 short answers (10marks each) correctly. Got home around 5. Fed pet mouse. Had dinner at aunties house. Walked home. Saw a dead pigeon. So I had to take a photo.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

i'm sorry.

Lately... I've been thinking about life... fucking depressing as shit. Do I really want to do Lab Med? no. Do I know what I want to do? no. Do I anything about myself? no.. besides the fact that I tend to say stupid things to people I actually give a shit about..and why do I do this? I don't fucking know. I'm a idiot. That's what. Life fucking fails. Dude, fuck my life. Wish.. some people would just get the fuck out of my life.

Fucking had a busy ass week.
Monday- up at 8.. school..prac.
Tuesday + Wednesday - Project managament course. up at 7:30
Thursday - Up at 6.. prac.. assignments....


Friday, September 10, 2010


Haven't really blogged about anything lately..been lazy. Preoccupied by a chatroom..which eats up all my bandwidth...but it's bloody hilarious in there. Been antisocial... haven't left the house unless it's for school. But hey.. being antisocial saves a hell of a lot of money. Went yesterday... and spent 40$ ! 10$ on food.. 30$ jacket. sale from 100$. 

I want to go drinking.. but it's so expensive to drink at bars are stuff.. Everyone's holiday is soon right ? Drinking at Susan's house?! 

I want to work at TAB...$50 an hour.... fuck me dead !

Monday, September 6, 2010


I made a formspring. I don't know why.. but here's the link.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Shitty day.

I was going to go to sleep at 12 last night but instead got off at 1:30 because i got a virus just when i was about to go off.. which took about an hour to remove. It could've just taken 5 minutes. Woke up at 7.. then decided I cbf going to morning tute, so i skipped it. Had a prac so had to go in the afternoon. Got to Sunshine Station.. apparently my train never turned up so had to wait 20minutes. Where I discovered my phone is being shitty since  the night at vvn's. Oh and my mp3 player was out of batteries. Tram was SUPER PACKED today.. 2 hours boring ass nigger prac. Tram home was packed... train was packed.. had to bus it home... :[

only good part to my day was... seeing my hot lab partner.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Finished my last exam today. Chem. I think I failed... Skipped so many questions. :(
Anyway, went to Crown with my cousin afterwards. Played the $5 blackjack table first, got bored.. so went to play casino wars. Lost there... so I went to take out money. Then resorted to my oh so lucky $10 blackjack table with a cool bunch of Americans. I was doing sooo good. Made all my money back and was up $150. Then they left... and I lost the $120 ! ... shoulda left when the Americans left. Dammit! Oh well... at least I won $30.

Bet $10 on South Africa...Game starts in 2 hours. GOOOOOO SOUTH AFRICAAAAA

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Saw the singing white dude at sunshine station again. was gonna donate some dosh but didnt have any on me :( oh well hope he's there next time.

Friday, June 4, 2010

to all...

you retards.

1. I do not have a boyfriend, nor shall I get one anytime soon.
2. I am not seeing anyone, nor am I interested in anyone...
3. I'm bi... so.. be careful ;) haha relax. i don't like asians.. :D
4. uhmm.. there is no 4

and.... what?! Susan and Minh are friends with benefits ? :P

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Friday, May 28, 2010

Real story !

about the '10 nigger rapist' .. my dad 'misheard' LOL

Read the ACTUAL story in the newspaper.
Some stupid 39 year old lady go into a car with a black man because he said that he could help her find her friend. LOL then he sexually assaulted her. She escaped. THE END.

Damnnn end of semester already.. hah awesomeness.
Exams coming up!

Monday, May 24, 2010


Friday.. went to Crown with Cindy after uni. Met at MC. Tramed to Crown. Ate. Stayed in Crown from 3 - 10!  Played $10 blackjack.. I was down $150 at the start.. then went back up all on one table. The guy next to me looked a hell of a lot like Macaulay Culkin (from home alone) but.. a better looking version. There was also this old lady that had been there since the day before.. Cindy started losing on that table so we changed to $5 table. I ended up breaking even. Cindy ended up winning $175 ! After Crown went MC and ate 'dinner' at Korean BBQ. $80 ! Got home around 12:30ish.. think my dad was pissed. I told him to come pick me up and he's like.. you know last week some girl got raped by 10 niggers in Sunshine... etc etc.. OHH WELLLLL

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Sitting at state library by myself... attempting to study for bio tomorrow. If i fail I'M FUCKED. Why are there so many white guys around? so distracting haha


Monday, May 17, 2010


hmm.. haven't stepped outta the house since.. Friday. feel so antisocial.. ahaha so i went on this cam chatting site and i think i got asked if i were a boy/girl 94583495384 times. IS IT REALLY THAT HARD TO TELL?! lol
had a chat with some black american guy that was studying.. jap. ahaha weird.

- MUST PASS Bio test Thursday
- 2 Assignments due next week
- EXAMS : Maths - 9/6
               Chem - 16/6

Friday, May 14, 2010


As I was sitting at MC yesterday..and I realised how white-defied the city is.. there's like 1 white guy to 10 asians...!! But yeah went HP today.. and there are heaps of white people. But they all have a gf/family. *saw katherine at hp*

Saturday, May 8, 2010

White guys > Asians ANY DAY!

Uni for one hour. Handed in assignment.

Met up with Susan and co. to go 'hip hop dancing' EPIC FAILED
Went Ten Ren afterwards
Was gonna met up with someone. SOME PEOPLE decided to stalk me. When did I lose you guys?
Sooo instead of meeting up with him, I met up with my cousin and aunty and went drinking and met a bunch of random people. FARRR white guyss 8)
Got home at 2 O_____O
It's 4 now.. and I can't sleep! Gotta get up at 8:30.. w00t

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

황찬빈 =O

- Had an early mother's day party at my grandmas.. 
- Went to 'shop' at Southern cross with my cousin and aunty. Bought a Sonic tee
- Went into Crown.. spent $1 again. lol but i know what to do now!
- Ate in the food court. Bought chicken parma off some decent looking white guy. His accent... was LOOL. When he said 'potatoes' i thought he said 'buttered rolls'
- Then we decided we wanted to go to gym! Went to Anytime Fitness. Got in, but no staff. So we went to check if World Gym was open, but it was closed. Went back to Anytime Fitness...but the door was locked ! but some indian guy with a key let us in HOORAY! We then signed up for Free 7 day pass.

- Had no class.. YAY
- Went to gym

- Uni from 10 - 3:30
- Stuck in traffic for an hour
- Saw Minh at the station

- Uni from 8:30 - 10:30
- Got home..
- Went gym with my mum because my cousin and aunty decided to ditch me
- Assignment due tomorrow. Hooray for group posters. I think I did the easiest part... lol

got another one worth 25% in 2 weeks. IF i fail this one I AM SO FUCKED

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Life sucks

Uni is such a DRAINER...

- Uni from 11 - 1
- Got to the city by 2; went to eat Grill'd with friends. The burger kept me full 'til the next morning.
- Watched Iron Man 2 at 2:50.. finished at 5-ish.
- Asked Susan on a date ;) and she accepted =O
- Went casino.. spent $1.. lol
- Galactic circus... I was thinking 'bout what happened there; made some guy look bad infront of his girlfriend. I feel bad now.. ahahah
- Bought asian drinks.. went home.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Dear Susan

LOLOL you communicate with Wendy?! you weirdo.

She tried to set us up for tomorrow.. hahaha

Friday, April 16, 2010


I am proud of myself. I researched and completed a 2000+ words essay in one day! Never written such a long essay.. farrrrrk

Anywayy, I was gonna pierce my ears again today but really hard to see where I'm shooting. Would someone like to come over and do it for me?!

Monday, April 12, 2010


What the fuck am I getting myself into ?! Why am I doing this ? So fucking confused right now.. :l

- Chem Mid sem test - Wednesday
- Assignment - Monday
- Bio mid sem test - Thursday.

fuck uni

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Oh, yes. Uni.

Got uni tomorrow. hooray.

I am 4 weeks behind in all my subjects. Seriously need to catch up on lecture notes.

Got 2 exams next week. Chem and Bio. How fun?

Was going to post something else but forgot what. I shall post it if I ever remember.

Lakes Entrance

It was ok.. not many crabs though, probably asians caught it all during Easter break :<

Caught quite a few fish though. 5 species. My dad caught 3 puffer fish and some weird looking one; massive eyes, its gills could inflate like balloons and long spiky fin, like pins.

God damn the place is so fucking dirty now. Gloves, crab nets, bottles, plastic bags, bags of kfc boxes, bait bags,etc. There was even a whole bag of garbage in the middle of the road. People gotta learn to pick up after themselves. There is a gigantic bin like 5 metres from the pier. When I went exploring I was standing next to this old fisherman who just finished his bait and he just throws the plastic bag into the water like it's a bin.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Lakes Entrance !

Going to catch crabs tonight! Leaving at 12. :D

Usual routine on the way :
First stop; same McDonalds we always stop at for breakfast at 4am
Second stop; some petrol station we always stop at for a toilet break and we buy some food and drinks sometimes just to be nice
Final stop; CRABS GALORE !

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Whole right side of my teeth feels numb

Don't remember what happened on the weekend.

Monday :
Group oral presentation. So went to uni from 9:30 - 10:30. got 7.25/10 for it. Not bad I guess.
After that my dad and I went to preston to buy cheap abalone! $20/kg small greenlip abalone. They were actually good too.
Then went home to pick up my mum and uncle, went to eat at St Albans. They are like food critics ! They try a different restuarant everytime.
Went to Caroline Springs to look at restaurants/shops. Not much there. So we went to look at Henley houses. wooow they were big, too big for my liking. There was only one that I liked. It was smaller double story than the others.
Went home. Had the abalone for dinner. mmmm.

Tuesday :
Woke up and had a big family breakfast.
Had a chem prac at 1:30. Titration.
Caught tram to city to meet up with parents.
Went to eat peking duck. mmmm.

Wednesday :
Maths lecture at 8:30..gotta get up at like 6:30 :(
Dad gonna take me fishing !

Thursday :
Going to cemetery
Driving lesson

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sooo looking to Easter break

- Intro to lab med prac 10 - 12
- Break, did bio prelab questions
- Bio prac; nearly failed it ! Didn't do what was needed. Lucky a demonstrator told us what we had to do and helped us out

- 2 hour maths tute at 8:30
- came home then went Footscray to eat pho with parents
- driving lesson at 3. nearly got hit my some asian lady !

- Intro to lab med lab and tute. finished 30 minutes early.

To do list :
- Online maths quiz
- Catch up on bio
- Catch up on chem
- Lab Med oral
- Maths sheet

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Was playing a game of 'Draw My Thing' on

It's a game where you get a word and have to draw it for other people to guess.

I got the word 'Position'. Didn't know what else to draw so I drew this :

and everyone left the room :(

I thought people would understand. THEY CALLED ME 'SICK' and said ' WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?'

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fucking shit morning :(

Bahh got up at 7. Caught 7:35 train. Cousin got lost at Parliament for 20 minutes - -" She finally found me. Hoped on the tram 86 ( WAS STILL GOING TO BE ON TIME! ) but then the tram decided they didn't want to carry anymore passengers, so we had to wait for the next one. Got off the at last stop and ran fucking 300 metres to see our bus leave and drive past us. Oh right, forgot to mention I had a hospital visit this morning, the school bus was taking us there at 9:30am. Well anyway, the bus left without us. So, we decided to get a taxi. $30 later, we are at the hospital. We ran around the hospital looking for out group, asked at least 10 people that didn't know anything. 30 minutes later we finally found someone that was actually helpful. Finally found them. We were in the wrong building. It was pretty boring at the start, but got a tiny bit better at the end. Went back to uni, had lunch and did a 3 hour prac. Got a lift home which took an hour. Usually takes 20minutes to get home.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


To those educated people out there,

What is the point of having a Queen??

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I had a dream that I kept killing this little boy and he kept coming back alive. One time after he come back alive he turned into this fat guy with some invisible shield.

this is some old blog that i didn't publish.. weird shit haha

Monday, March 8, 2010


WELL, I'm pretty sure I've found PIKACHU from galactic circus.. ahahah

*scrolling through facebook - saw Vivienne's wall post... and pikachu replied to it..

and his name is Danny Yu

Huyen is friends with him =O

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Today, I had a driving lesson at 2. vroom vroom for about 5 minutes? and it starts POURING. Instructor told me to 'turn into the middle lane'. The road was so flooded couldn't even see the lines. lmao so lost. Went on the freeway today and he thought me 3 point turn. Failed the first time. After the lesson I ran 3 metres to get into the house and got soaked..

Need to improve on :
- no driving too fast
- 'looking over my shoulders

Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 3 of uni life

Skipped first bio lecture. Went to intro to lab med for 2 hours. Was gonna grab lunch with people but they were indecisive so I just went home. Sydenham train was CANCELLED. So caught the Werribee to Footscray and bought some donuts! Sydenham train came. No going to school on Friday. Really can't be bothered.

Gosh uni is boring

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Second day of Uni

Got up at 7. Started at 8:30. Started with Stats and Epiafsodlogy class. 2 hour lecture. Total bore and there was no reception in that lecture room. Next was 2 hour 'Chem for Life' lecture. Rage quit have way. Just left during the 10 minute break and went home. Got home and took a 4 hour nap.

Today stank.
First lecture = some dude that sat next to me smelt like he hasn't showered/brushed his teeth for a week.
On the tram = some indian/hobo came and sat across from me.
On the train = some indian lady

Uni sucks.

Monday, March 1, 2010

First day of Uni

Kill me please. So boring. FARKKKKKK !

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Orientation Day

Went to RMIT today and got free Nando's condom.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Chinese New Year:
Went to my grandma's house, as usually, where my cousin's families come to meet up. Got some red envelopes. Ate.. I think. Forgot. After that we all left to go to my great aunt's house to play 'fish, prawn, crab' ? lol It's a gambling game were there are six pictures and 3 die with all the pictures on it and you bet. Left around 4:30 to pick up my cousin from work and went to buy 'supplies'. Then went back to great aunts house to have dinner. After that we went to aunts house to drink and play band hero. I ended up sleeping over there, but only got like an hour sleep in 'cause one of my aunties decided she wanted to wake up at 8 to play band hero. lol =____=

Went to RMIT city for some free chem bridging course. fucking bored as fuck and i didn't understand anything. We stayed there for like 10 - 15 minutes. Ended up going shopping. Ate at teppansan? Lunch special. $13.60 for sushi, spring roll, miso, okonomiyaki and drink.

That's pretty much it...

Just been getting ready for Sunday.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Crazy shinigger case

Chinese kid. Her mother left her in a vege patch. She was raised by strangers. When she got older her stomach got bigger and bigger. In the end they found a good doctor and the doctor said that the kid had a dead fetus inside her stomach.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010


First of all.


Today, I woke up at 12.I was planning to get a lift from my mum. So, I waited for my mum to came back from grocery shopping. She usually brings back ready-to-eat food. Well, this time she didn't. By the time I've cooked and eaten she had already left to pick up my sister from Chinese school. Today my sister told me she use to play with Deanna's sister when she was in prep. Anyway, GOOD BYE MY LIFT TO THE STATION. Had to take the bus. At Sunshine station I saw 2 lesbian couples one of them had a t-shirt that said " I don't need a shirt to tell you i'm gay" or something like that. Oh.. and there was is fucking weird ass asian kid that kept staring at me. Farr.. and when we went on the train he sat facing me, but on the rows behind. I was about to change seats, but thank god this asian chick sat infront of me. To my right was a gay couple, I think. I'm pretty sure one of the guys was gay. White guy, shorts that only covered half his thigh,, neat hair and he looked alright. The other guy looked alright too.white, short short hair, half shaven, shorts to his knees. First guy had his back facing me, but could still see half his face. Second guy was facing my direction. Fuck I hate making eye contact. Made eye contact with the guy facing me.. he smiled.. got freaked out ahah and never looked back in that direction. Met Susan and Katherine at MC. blah blah blah.. went to cd shop .. met Fish.. ITO .. met thu and deanna QV .. then back to my house for sushi and karaoke. Everyone left before 10. After everyone left, I played MahJong with my mum and aunties 'til 12:30?

Friday, February 5, 2010

Oh boredom AHAHAHA

Soo.. I was bored and was playing around on Facebook, celebrity look-alikes application.

Lol Jesse McCartney?



for my dad....

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Chelsea beach.
Monday, 1 @ MC
BBQ $10

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Sooo.. someone wants to do a beach outting on Monday. Who's up for it ?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Hot hot hot

Yesterday was hot. Especially at my aunty's house. It was my cousin's 1 month. There were over 50 people in the house, A/C on and all doors open. Damn it was hot. Left with my dad at 4. Dad went to work. Around 6 my aunty and cousins decided they wanted to drink. So, they picked me up around 8 ? We watched tennis, played Twister, photo whored and played Band Hero ! Got home around 12:30 ? Took a shower. Tried to sleep, but couldn't. Stupid Mother and Red Bull. Managed to sleep at 3. Woken up at 4 by massive stomach ache. Took a shit. Went back to bed.

Friday, January 29, 2010


Today, I went to buy DVDs to burn wii games. It was $25 for 100. I gave the guy $50 and he gave me $75 change. lol

- I gave him 50 back -

Semester 1 timetable. Uni everyday.. YAY WHAT FUN !

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tiring day..

Was RMIT Bundoora enrolment day today. Woke up at 10:30. Caught 11:22 at Sunshine. $5 train ticket. Got to Bundoora at 1. Information session started at 1:30. Lasted for 30 minutes. Finished enrolling in the library. Lined up at the hub to get student ID card and diary. Waited for 1.5 hours. The line wasn't even that long. It took me, my cousin and her friend 5 minutes to get ours. what the fuck?! Was fucking starving and tired while waiting in line. By the time everything was done it was around 4. Went back to the city and ate at Yoyogi. One of the waiter there was so... happy? such a happy worker lmao It was very expensive $40 for 2 people ! Went Mc to wait for train. While waiting, looking at some white guy who was standing next to me ;) Too bad he couldn't get on the train. He walked the wrong way. lol Instead of walking towards the end of the train where there were less people, he walked towards the middle. ahahaha He mustn't be very logical.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Had a dream last night..
My house was being raiding by the mafia/people in black suits. They covered half my house with black plastic and put gas into it.. weird thing was that everyone was walking around normally. So, I went into my room and jumped out my window, since my window is above the garage.. I jumped off the garage and ran 2 houses away and knocked on their door. I had my phone in my pocket, yet I didn't want to use it to call the cops. Instead, I made them call the cops. Just after calling the cops, my house exploded. My neighbour held onto my hand.. apparently my hand was freezing. He's felt so warm, so I warmed my hand with his.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Awesome kid

damn you annie

The Rules
1. Open your 1st photo folder
2. Scroll to the 10th picture
3. Post the photo and story behind it
4. Tag 5 or more people

Fishing at some lake.

I tag: Michael Jackson, Kevin Rudd, Porky Pig, Homer Simpson and Elvis

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


My cousins from Gold Leaf has such pretty girlfriends =O

Sunday, January 17, 2010

lets go out people


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lakes Entrance

12am - Left for Lakes Entrance
2am - McDonalds toilet break
4am - McDonalds - Grand Angus breakfast
5:30am - Lakes Entrance
6am - Start catching crabs !
6:30am - Results :  Photobucket

1pm - Left for home
6:30pm - Got home

END OF DAY RESULTS : 50L of crabs !


Monday, January 11, 2010

Could've died today

Soo.. went Venus bay today to 'catch pipis'. I didn't  really catch any, spent most of my time in the water bodyboarding. Could've drowned if I wasn't such an awesome swimmer. I was just laying in the bodyboard, then suddenly drifted so far from the shore. Couldn't touch the floor D: Tried kicking with the board.. but keep getting dragged back. So, tried to freestyle closer..still couldn't touch the floor.. was tired as by that I swam on my back.. YAY I can touch the floor. Jumped/ hopped/ walked back to shore. THE END !

Oh yeah.. I got freaked out from my own toe. I was digging for pipis then suddenly I saw a toe. SHIETTTT. oh wait it's my toe. :/ lol

Something retarded happened too.. I caught some sea snail things, starred at it..when I looked up the sand was all red and the sky turned purple-ish... O______O"

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Went to Rye this morning to catch abalone. So tiring walking on the sand, walk up one step and you slide back half a step. Along the water, where the sand is usually hard, the sand goes up to my ankle every step I take. But we caught alot. It was fun as.

So much sun past 2 weeks.. so black.

My mum

Last night while going though my usual thinking routine..I thought about my mum. If I were in her position I think I would of given up on everything a loooong time ago. She cooks.. cleans.. works..she pretty much does everything around the house. My dad, sisters and I just watch tv.. look for places to go.. etc. Every time we go on a holiday/ day trip my mum packs everything. She stays up the latest and wakes up the earliest. When we get back from the trip my mum always cleans everything up.

Friday, January 8, 2010


Day 1 - 3/1/10

Left for Kangaroobie to discover the aforementioned 'The Faggots' were coming too. Booo. I also discovered that my mum hates them too ! The Faggots consist of father faggot, mother faggot and 3 kids. I don't mind the eldest, but the super duper hate the middle kid. He reckons he's so tough, tried to start shit with my little cousin. ahaha he can't do shit with me around. I've had so many thoughts of smashing his head in. Back to camping.. there are 5 other cars camping with us. 2 are cousins, 1 Faggots, 2 cousin's friends. One of my cousin's friend's daughter.. oh my god. I saw her at a party last time.. first tine I saw her my first thought was 'why is there a prostitute at this party?' turns out, she's 13. She also bought her white boyfriend to camp. Anyway.. back to the trip. First stop was Camperdown for their Sunday market. The Sunday market was literally 3 stores. But the people there were nice and told us there's another Sunday market at Port Campbell, which is the suburb next to out camping place, Princetown. That market was way bigger. After walking around for a while we went to check in. We're staying on top of a mountain in the bush. Played volleyball, table tennis and did rope course. Spaghetti and chocolate fudge cake for dinner.

Day 2 - 4/1/10

Went to Cape Otway tree top walk. It was alright, kinda expensive though. $55 per family. After that we went to see a waterfall. Then some lighthouse, but they charged $40+ per family. So we didn't go. No one cared. Instead we just went to look at the koalas on the side of the road. After that we went back to camp for dinner. Meat pie, veges and apple crumble. After dinner we went to see one of the 12 apostles, played around the beach and took photos

Day 3 - 5/1/10

After breakfast we went canoeing. Abandoned ship twice. Ended up with some crazy lady. She wouldn't have turned back if her husband wasn't there to talk some sense into her. We canoed for 2.5hours. After lunch was obstacle course. The camp guy showed us around, took 5 minutes to walk around. Second time around was suppose to be a race. Apparently I took half an hour. Got soaked. Straight after that I went fishing with my uncles. No fish. So went back to play some table tennis then had dinner. Mmm.. roast beef and veges. Went to 12 apostles lookout after dinner.

Day 4 - 6/1/10

Went to Warnambool today. Bought lobster for dinner. Played at the park for an hour or two, had lunch, then went to the beach. After the beach went back to Kangaroobie. On the way back we went to look at the rocks in the sea. Had dinner. Played volleyball. Attempted to play Monopoly, but the white kid just ruined all the fun. thinks he's funny with his repetitiveness. So, I just went to play ds.

Day 5 - 7/1/10

Packed up and left camp. Went to Apollo bay. Stayed there for a few hours. We caught some abalone there. Went home and had some abalone congee


Saturday, January 2, 2010


I remember 2000 new years like it was yesterday. My dad dropped me, mum and sisters off while he went to look for car park. We were in the middle of a massive crown when the fireworks went off. Then some middle aged white couple offered to put me on his shoulders because I couldn't see. So he carried me onto his shoulders, my shoes nearly fell off. The view was awesome. Since then my family referred to him as my 'white dad'. 

It's been that long already? Damnnnn

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year !

First of all.. I'd like to ask.. HOW WAS THE WEATHER LAST NIGHT ?

My NYE & NY consisted of monopoly, poker, 13, karaoke, drinking, whining about melbourne fireworks not being on tv, barely any sleep (because of inconsiderate faggots) slept at 6 got woken up at 10.

Oh yeah.. and everyone keep 21st Feb free. My oh so excited parents have already decided to make my 18th on that day.

ps. out of melb from 3 - 8 jan