Finished first year of uni...I must say it went by pretty fast. Going overseas in a month. 11 December until the 11 January. So, I'd be overseas for Christmas and New Years... which is pretty cool i guess.
Went for a Big W group assessment on Tuesday. FAILED. So I give up looking for a job until I get back from overseas. Hopefully I'd be about to get my Ps when I get back too, then look for a car...
So, today.. I had an exam at 1:45pm. I missed the train, so my mum drive me to uni. Well, the exam.. let's just say I epically failed and will have to repeat the subject next year. It was 2 hours long. I stayed for 50 minutes. I'm sure I answered 2/50 multiple choice questions correctly and 1/5 short answers (10marks each) correctly. Got home around 5. Fed pet mouse. Had dinner at aunties house. Walked home. Saw a dead pigeon. So I had to take a photo.