Thursday, June 17, 2010


Finished my last exam today. Chem. I think I failed... Skipped so many questions. :(
Anyway, went to Crown with my cousin afterwards. Played the $5 blackjack table first, got bored.. so went to play casino wars. Lost there... so I went to take out money. Then resorted to my oh so lucky $10 blackjack table with a cool bunch of Americans. I was doing sooo good. Made all my money back and was up $150. Then they left... and I lost the $120 ! ... shoulda left when the Americans left. Dammit! Oh well... at least I won $30.

Bet $10 on South Africa...Game starts in 2 hours. GOOOOOO SOUTH AFRICAAAAA

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Saw the singing white dude at sunshine station again. was gonna donate some dosh but didnt have any on me :( oh well hope he's there next time.

Friday, June 4, 2010

to all...

you retards.

1. I do not have a boyfriend, nor shall I get one anytime soon.
2. I am not seeing anyone, nor am I interested in anyone...
3. I'm bi... so.. be careful ;) haha relax. i don't like asians.. :D
4. uhmm.. there is no 4

and.... what?! Susan and Minh are friends with benefits ? :P

Thursday, June 3, 2010